I4CE supports Tunisia in its carbon pricing strategy
I4CE has designed a capacity building programme to facilitate the implementation of carbon pricing policies in Tunisia.
Aimed at teams from the United Nations Development Programme and the National Agency for Energy Conservation, this programme is divided into three pillars:
- Organization and coordination of a two-day national workshop on carbon pricing,
- Visits to France by a Tunisian delegation, for discussions with the French authorities responsible for carbon pricing and the main French economic modelling centres
- Organization of a training session on the development of a national low carbon strategy and foresight approaches provided by Vivian Dépoues and Sébastien Postic
This training programme was conducted as part of Tunisia’s participation in the World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) project. The PMR provides technical and financial support to enable participating countries to prepare carbon-pricing instruments to scale up the mitigation of national greenhouse gas emissions and to test innovative instruments such as domestic emission trading systems, carbon taxes and other mechanisms.