
Stiglitz-Stern report on carbon prices : which implications for decision-makers in France? A conference on 29th September in Paris

- By : Benoît LEGUET

I4CE, in partnership with AFD, invited you to the conference presenting the results of the report on


Transition to a low-carbon model and Carbon Value

The conclusions of the report of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices: What implications for decision-makers in France?


  • Date: Friday, September 29, 2017, from 14:00 to 16:00
  • Location: AFD –  Room Jacques Alliot, 5 Roland Barthes street, Paris 75012


Discussions will follow the Chatham House rules. The event is French without simultaneous translation.



Published on 29 May 2017 in Berlin, the report of the High-Level Committee on Carbon Prices , co-chaired by the two economists Joseph Stiglitz and Nicholas Stern, aims to encourage the development of climate policies and carbon pricing instruments around the world.


In order to effectively achieve the climate goals of the international community while encouraging economic growth, it is imperative that countries set a carbon price with a target of $ 40-80 per tonne of CO2 in 2020, then between $ 50 and $ 100 in 2030. This is the main conclusion of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Prices,


The Commission has found that explicit carbon pricing, via a carbon tax or an emission allowance system, is an effective way of encouraging green and equitable growth. The report also stresses that this explicit carbon pricing can be usefully complemented by taking socioeconomic value into account in decisions taken by the public sector (tutelary value) or the private sector (an internal price of carbon).


The event aims to examine and discuss the implications for decision-makers in France, both in public action and in the business community.



14:00 Introduction

  • Gaël GIRAUD, AFD Chief Economist and member of the Commission high carbon prices


14:10 The conclusions of the Stern-Stiglitz report 

Questions & answers


14:40 Round Table | Which implications for decision-makers in France?

Moderator: Benoît LEGUET

  1. How can we promote the emergence of these carbon pricing signals in the decisions of public, financial and industrial players?
  2. What are the different channels through which these values ​​may alter our trade-offs in favor of a low-carbon transition?
  3. What would be the next steps in the action agenda for carbon pricing?



  • Bérangère MESQUI, Head of Sustainable Developement Department , France Stratégie
    The French low-carbon Strategy and carbon value
  • Jens ALTHOFF, Director, Fondation Heinrich Böll Stiftung France
    The energy transition in Germany and economic signals 
  • Damien NAVIZET, Head of Climate Division, ‎AFD
    The low-carbon transition and development : the strategy of AFD
  • Anne CHASSAGNETTE, Head of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsability, ENGIE
    Carbon value : conditons for a low-carbon transition for a power operator 
  • Olivier ROUSSEAU, Membre du Directoire du Fonds de Réserve des Retraites (FRR)
    Carbon value, transition risks and allignment of portfolio in a 2°C scenario 


15h40 Debate and exchanges


16h Closing



 This Commission was set up in 2016 at COP22 in Marrakech by the Carbon Tariff Leadership Coalition (CPLC) and is supported by the World Bank Group and the French Government – via the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and the Agency for the Environment and Energy Management. It includes 13 leading economists from nine developed and developing countries.

29 Sep 2017

Stiglitz-Stern report on carbon prices : which implications for decision-makers in France? A conference on 29th September in Paris

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