Free allocation in the Phase IV of the EU ETS: I4CE contributed to the meeting of experts organized by DG Clima in April 2016
During phase 4 of the EU ETS (2021-2030), how to distribute the reduced amount of free allowances to the EU industry to prevent carbon leakage? That was the question of the expert meeting organized by DG Clima April 21, 2016 and at which contributed I4CE.
I4CE presented the results of its evaluation of the proposal of the European Commission published in July 2015 on free allocation rules for phase 4 of the EU emission trading system (EU ETS) .
This meeting brought together several European experts to examine the assumptions underlying the various forecasts and identify the most critical design parameters to avoid or minimize the need for applying a correction factor to adjust the volume of allowances to be allocated. Few industrial federations, Parliament members, researchers and think-tanks took part in the debate.
To find more information and presentations of speakers : Presentations of the experts meeting
Download our Climate report # 51 on “Free allocation in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS): identifying efficient mechanisms by 2030”